Hey! So Glad You're Here.
Well…where do I start? “I’ve been around the world and iiiiiaaaaa, I can’t find my baby…I don’t know why, don’t know why…why he’s gone away…and I don’t know where he can be…my baby…but I’m gonna find him”….
And that my Luvs, is the ‘crux” of my entire being. I believe in LOVE. I believe in love so much so, that I felt a “prompting”, if you will, to start this blog. This blog is an inner reflection of my inner world. It is a reflection on scientific facts; it’s a prompting of the Spirit to share information downloaded given to me, by Spirit, it’s information on health improvement, it’s local food, it’s Ganja (for health reasons of course) and a wealth of other information given, as prompted by Spirit.
The categories listed above are major “akarmas” to me, as The High Priestess and the Emperor are in the Tarot deck. But of course, you don’t need me to “TELL” you anything. My only hope and purpose of this blog, is to WHET YOUR APPETITE for knowledge. May you study and research for yourself, the information provided. You may read some shit here, that you feel may be to be UNBELIEVABLE, IMPOSSIBLE, UNREAL, and simply just NOT TRUE. But I say: “study and research that shit for yourself!”.
Although Mahogany is #DopeAsFuck…don’t even take my word for shit. STUDY AND RESEARCH for yourself. Otherwise, you allow yourself to be “led in your thinking”. As an example, your Nightly News (and most forms of Media) do this all the time. Don’t be like the News, LOL! Come get ya appetite WHET w/Mahogany and then go do the STUDY AND RESEARCH yourself!
With that being said, sit back, strap on ya seatbelt, prepare yourself and enjoy the ride! Or be mad. I don’t care. Because here, in this space…you WILL LEARN. But it’s up to you to find out if what I speak, is truth or not. And there’s only one way to do that...by putting in the work.
Come get this work baby!