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10 Sneaky Signs Stress Is Showing Up in Your Body

There’s a lot to be stressed about these days. Daily responsibilities, financial issuespolitical turmoil, the pressure to succeed—the list goes on. People more than ever are feeling the mounting intensity of stress and may be suffering from the physical consequences. Some may even be experiencing overstress, which is essentially the amped-up cousin of stress.


Think you're one of the few suffering from overstress? Don't fret—you're not alone and there are plenty of options for help. Scroll on to learn the 10 most common signs of overstress, the many available treatment options, and the subtle (but uber-important!) differences between regular stress and its more intense counterpart.


Understanding Stress vs. Overstress


You may be well acquainted with the word stress but may not have heard of the term overstress. According to the American Psychological Association, stress refers to physical and emotional responses to stressors. It can result in physical sensations like a racing heart and irritability (more on that later). There isn’t any way to avoid stress in our lives—it is a natural part of being human. The concern is when the stress tips over into the territory of overstress.


While overstress may not be more commonly known, you can think of it as chronic stress. The American Psychological Association identifies chronic stress as the physical and emotional response that comes from experiencing an ongoing stressful situation.


Stress v. Overstress


Think of it like this: cramming for finals is stressful. But it only happens a couple of times a year. However, working a high-pressure job with constant quick and intense deadlines can lead to chronic stress. You’re having prolonged exposure to stressful events, which can leave you feeling overstressed.


What Causes Overstress?


So, when does stress turn into overstress? Licensed marriage and family therapist Kim Slipski has a few answers. “Overstress can develop in particularly stressful circumstances,” she says, adding that situations like a chronic illness, the loss of a jobconflict with a spouse, mental health issues, and family challenges are major contributors. “Uncertainty and unpredictability can create a significant amount of stress on top of existing day-to-day stressors, which can tend to put us over the top,” she explains.


Licensed marriage and family therapist Lauren Pietra expressed similar sentiments. “I think overstress happens anytime we are pushing ourselves through stressful events and situations for a sustained period of time,” she explains.


She continues, adding that our bodies can manage stress in short bursts of time but it is when we continue overextending ourselves that we can feel the damage. “Things like not saying no, overcommitting, or not taking breaks to recover or recharge come to mind as things that contribute to overstress,” she states.


Signs You May Be Overstressed


Disrupted Sleep Patterns


Some folks will have sleep issues when highly stressed. However, being overstressed can result in full-blown insomnia, which means you’re consistently unable to get the quality sleep you need. Research shows that women, those with a familial history of insomnia, and folks experiencing severe environmental stress are among the most susceptible to having their sleep disrupted by insomnia.


Persistent Feelings of Anxiety or Irritability


Stress is shown to be inevitably linked to anxiety, meaning that when you’re stressed, you may also feel anxious. Being overstressed can exacerbate your anxiety and cause a host of other side effects including sleep deprivation. Not to mention, research shows that sleep deprivation can increase feelings of anxiety, which may also present as irritability.


Frequent Headaches


Overstress can manifest into physical ailments including headaches. Unfortunately, those already prone to migraines likely notice stress can trigger a major migraine episode. If you’re noticing an increase in headaches, chat with your doctor to see what relief is available for you.


Digestive Issues


You may have heard recent buzz about the importance of gut health—and it's for a good reason, too. Stress is linked to a disruptive digestive system. An unbalanced gut can lead to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome. If you’re noticing more digestive troubles than usual, like struggles eliminating, stomach cramps, increased or decreased appetite, or nausea, reach out to your doctor for support. 


Increased Heart Rate


If you’ve been super stressed before, you likely have experienced a racing heart. But did you know that your heart rate isn't actually rising exponentially? According to a recent study, when you're overstressed, you can feel like your heart is racing, but your heart is beating normally. This is one of the many tricks your mind plays on you when you're overstressed. That being said, overstress can take a toll on your heart, so it is important to touch base with your doctor if you notice changes in your heart rate.


Skin Problems like Acne


Ever notice your skin breaking out in zits when you’re going through stress? The correlation is real, though it is somewhat understudied. The internal changes overstress brings onto the body can result in acne, which then creates more stress and exacerbates skin issues. A suggested approach to solving overstress-related acne is to seek out the care of a dermatologist, as well as a mental health professional.




Weakened Immune System


When it rains, it pours. Perhaps you’ve noticed a tickle in your throat every time your stress amps up. Or, you might get a full-blown bug when life hits you hard. There’s a reason for this. Stress attacks the immune system, making you more susceptible to catching common bugs. Symbolically, you can think of it as your body asking you to slow down amid overstress. 


Chronic Pain


A recent study found 20 to 30% of adults experience chronic pain. That’s nearly a quarter to a third of the population struggling with recurrent physical comfort. As research has developed on this topic, it has been discovered that stress, and conditions like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can contribute to the prevalence of chronic pain.


Decreased Sex Drive


Overstress can wreak havoc on our relationships—platonically, professionally, and romantically. You may have noticed that you’re not in the mood when you’re stressed out. When you’re stressed, you will release stress hormones. These stress hormones, specifically cortisol and epinephrine, are part of your body’s natural fight-or-flight response. But, your body has to pull resources from somewhere to generate those extra stress hormones regularly. It just so happens the body will drain your sex hormones to boost stress hormone production, leading to a decreased sex drive.


Getting Help


By now, some of you may be realizing you are indeed overstressed. Luckily, there are solutions to help you feel better. First, consider ways you can amp up your support. Pietra suggests sharing how you’re feeling with someone you trust. “This could be a friend or partner, but also a therapist or support group depending on the nature of the stress,” she explains. Therapy can be very helpful in creating space for yourself and de-stressing—and if you’re not sure where to start with finding a provider, we’ve got you covered.


Build Up a Care Team


Another important aspect is to consider building up a care team. “When it comes to stress, I frequently encourage my clients to explore additional practitioners who focus on reducing stress from a holistic and physical standpoint,” explains Slipski. She names acupuncturists, massage therapists, yoga or meditation teachers, and somatic therapists as some helpful providers to look into. She also recommends checking in with your primary care doctor. Seeking out a specialist referral from your primary physician could be helpful—overstress can be exacerbated by additional issues like hormonal imbalances or adrenal fatigue. 


Finally, see how you can incorporate small pockets of stress relief throughout your day. Maybe you wake up 10 minutes earlier for guided breathing or you build in a quick walk around the block on your lunch break. Those small acts of kindness towards yourself can add up to a big payoff.









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