Unfortunately, there are Malicious people that cross our path, be careful. Stay aware. This applies to friends and family as well.
Here are 9 signs that and evil person is next to you…
1. Pleasure – People that take pleasure in others pain or laugh at someone in pain. These people will sometimes cause incidents just to see someone suffer. They gossip and create conflict just to see other mfs suffer.
2. Need to control your life - They will do anything possible to make sure things happen according to their wishes. And are not above abusing power if they encounter resistance. A partner that has to know where you are and what you are doing, ever second of the day, would be a perfect example of this. He/she seeks to dominate your life. Set clear boundaries. Fuck that shit! Protect your independence!
3. Feeling “strange” around a person or people - You may feel tired, restless or just uncomfortable. Their presence provoke feelings of discomfort. If you are constantly uncomfortable around someone, this may be an indication that you are dealing with an evil person. Pay attention to your feelings.
4. Lack of responsibility - Evil people NEVER take responsibility for their actions. They blame others and like to play the victim. These people will drag you into a cycle of guilt and manipulation. Identify and distance yourself from these lousy MFs.
5. Habit of lying - Evil people have a habit of lying constantly. They lie to manipulate others, they lie for fun, they lie just to be lying. These MFs don’t value your trust or friendship. Cut these MFs off immediately! Liars use their lies to manipulate circumstances and people. They will also lie about their feelings or intentions to keep you under control. Honesty is the foundation of any relationship. Watch them MFs.
6. Absence of Remorse – Evil MFs don’t feel remorse for their actions or the negative impact they have on others. When confronted, they manipulate the situation to make you doubt your perception of them. Watch those “friends” that’s always making hurtful or malicious comments. When you confront them, they laugh, say you're overreacting or may be too sensitive. This behavior shows a lack of remorse. They distort your perception of reality and turn the situation around. When you point out a mistake or harmful behavior, they turn things around and make you feel wrong for bringing up the issue. This is emotional manipulation and is a clear sign the person has no remorse. Cut that MF off with the "quickness!"
7. Cruelty – They delight in others suffering. A lack of empathy and the ability to intentionally inflict pain on others, are distinctive characteristics of this type of person. These people also act aggressively, both verbally and physically. If he insults you on the regular or is physically abusive, he is demonstrating open cruelty. Fuck that!
8. Friends and family warn you about his/hers character - It’s important to take these signs seriously. If you notice signs like cruelty, lack of responsibility and manipulation, consider distancing yourself from this MF before it becomes too difficult. Consider friends and family warnings. Ponder what they are telling you.
9. Contempt – The worse form of emotional manipulation by an evil person is contempt. These people aim to make you feel inferior by criticizing your appearance, interests, dreams and anything else they can. Also pay attention to the friends/family that mock your achievements and passions as if they are not worthy of respect. They try to use contempt as a tool of emotional control. These people will try to weaken your self-esteem, so that you depend on them for validation and acceptance. They want to shape how you see yourself. DO NOT allow these MFs to manipulate your self-image. Just cut ‘em TF off!
10. Animal abuse – Cruelty towards animals is a clear sign that there are problems within someone’s CHARACTER. If someone is acting neglectful or abusive towards animals consider distancing yourself from that person. Cruelty to animals is linked to humans as well. Drop kick that MF outta ya life! :)
Love and Light,