Well…where do I start? One thing you'll come to learn about me is this: no matter what, I smile! Not as a facade, not to impress, but simply because I got shit to smile about! My glass is always half full. Our Creator didn't give me these big as "Kennedy teeth" for nothing! LOL! I smile so much, my teeth get cold. True story.
Also, my smile is fabulous, why wouldn't I smile? LOL! Seriously though, I smile because that's just who I am. I'm a Lightworker, so I vibe high naturally, with plenty of energy! And it's because of this energy and happiness within, that I smile and laugh... a lot! It's one of the many ways, in which I release the Light within. If you know, you know. If not, then, in the words of Tee Grizzley: "don't even trip". Everyone evolves at their own unique pace. Where you are, is exactly where you're meant to be!
I started this blog, due to an urging of Spirit about a decade ago. But with life and a set of twins calling, needless to say, I postponed shit for a while. But here I am today, doing what TF I said I was go do! Following the prompting of my heart. My point is...NEVER GIVE UP! Anything is possible! :)
The Purpose of this blog is to encourage and uplift women of all ages and all walks of life. From every social class and every genre, to every block in the MF hood! I aim to UPLIFT, INFORM and ENCOURAGE women and young girls EVERYWHERE! I intend to share a multitude of information relating to physical health, mental health , emotional health, Spiritual health, wholeness and a plethora of information in reference to the Spiritual Realm! What I like to call "Spiritual Tingz!".
I intend for this blog to be a reflection on acts of Love within the Universe, Spiritual facts, understanding Spiritual protocol, Spiritual ascension, your Shadow Self, Healing, and Self Love. I will also share information on Natural health, Health improvement, Food, Recipes (who doesn't like food!), Ganja/Cannabis (one of my favorite hobbies) and a wealth of other information, that comes to mind! And believe me this mind is a rabbit hole baby! So strap in baby luv, because you're about to have your mind and imagination stretched to it's MF limit! And once you've reached your limit...the magic begins! aaaaaaayyyyyeeee!
Lastly, LOVE is the main thang mayne! I desire to showcase LOVE! I feel like there just isn't enough love in the world today. Call me crazy, but I still believe in love. I feel like a lot of the young women of today are misguided. Errbody wanna be "Savage" with the"WAP". But no one wants to admit, their most intimate desire is to be loved...deeply and unconditionally. No one wants to admit their desire for boundless love and deep, loyal commitment and understanding. To be fair, some people really do seek to be polygamous, and that's okay too. My response: "to each, his own". My main focus is on the spiritual side of things. Shiiiddd I'm peaceful & spiritual. I'm a white witch. I'm not looking for no smoke, lol!
As human beings, it's natural to desire true, pure, unconditional LOVE. Love is natural, Love is necessary. And Love is beautiful...
I believe in the power of love! I deem it to be the strongest FORCE on this earth! And love is VERY closely connected to the Spirit realm. Especially love of Self. The Universe LOVES us!
I've always been a curious soul. A soul that has harvested a deep desire for learning and truth. I seek to learn truth in ALL forms. Whatever that truth may be. Wherever that TRUTH may lead me...
This blog is a culmination of information learned by experience, information researched and information from the spiritual realm via spiritual "downloads". I then, bring and share with you...my TRIBE. Freely, I've been given... therefore, freely, I give. :)
My hope is that I WHET your Spiritual appetite! I want to whet your appetite enough, that you develop a desire within you, to research and study to obtain answers to questions in your own mind! I have never relied on others to "lead" me in my thinking".
My Intention is to provide you with information that HEALS your HEART, SOUL & SPIRIT! In addition to advancing you spiritually!
"May you study and research the questions in your mind, for the answers you seek in your soul". "Go Deep".

~Mahogany :)