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How To Know If You are under the effects of Witchcraft.

Curse: a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.

Being human, we ALL live, learn, love, grow and evolve at different rates. No two human beings will grow exactly the same. That's just not going to happen. Even identical twins evolve and grow differently. More and more people are following their intuition by delving into the spiritual awareness like never before! Spirituality, can quickly become life changing! Especially if done with an open mind! What happens in the spiritual realm, happens in the earthly realm. This is the meaning of the term: "As above, so below."

Spiritual knowledge is a beautiful thang! One can take that knowledge and use it to grow spiritually, emotionally, and mentally or use the knowledge to harm and manipulate others. With that being said, spiritual knowledge, like any other knowledge, can be used for both good and evil deeds. Being incarnated on this earth, there's a 50/50 chance that something good or bad is going to happen to you at any given moment. That is called MF life! Shit happens. And life can happen to anyone, anywhere at any given moment. But what if...what if there's a reason why things in your life have been fucked up lately.

What if there's a reason for your string of bad luck? Maybe there's a reason why, you all of a sudden have no friends. To here has to be a reason that you're going through so much, all at once, right? At what point is "bad luck" not just bad luck anymore? Yes, some things are bound to happen in life and that's called "fate". But not every situation is fated to happen. Ask yourself..."is this truly just a string of bad luck or is there something more?" Could a curse have possibly been placed upon you? Could there possibly be some form of negative witchcraft concerning you? Or, could there be an entity be attached to you?

Below are a few tell-tale signs of Witchcraft, Entity Attachments and Energetic Attacks.


There are two kinds of entities:

1. Disembodied Entities:

these entities have no body and usually suffered some type of addiction while alive on earth, that keeps them earth bound as a spirit. Some of the addictions could have been alcohol, drugs and sex. Addictions can keep an entity earth bound after transcending to the physical. Sometimes these entities realize they're dead, and sometimes they don't. These entities seek to influence others. If they were sex addicts while on earth, as a Spirit they would seek try to influence other sex addicts. This is done by whispering in the ear of their victim to influence them. This is is the real meaning of being on DEMON TIME.

These disembodied entities, tend to gather around those of like kind. Think about that for a second. If the entity was a porn addict while here on earth, as an entity, it seeks to gather around other porn addicts here on earth, to influence them. The entity would whisper into the ear of the porn addict to "watch porn". These disembodied entities will then, try to enter into the persons body! They seek to "feel" the orgasm...even if it's in a "muffled" sort of way.

2. Earthbound Entities:

These are entities that are stuck in the body, due to trauma and emotional baggage from things they've gone through in life on earth. This can be identified as 'energy that is in the body, that shouldn't be in he body'. This energy is often trapped within certain parts of the body, but are also around us, affecting us in a gang of MF ways! . This type of energy can show up in the 3D (Physical/Earth), as body pain with no health conditions and no explainable reason.

Another type of entity, used in energy attacks is what's called a, 'Saboteur' spirit. This type of energy is used as a weapon to harm us, and usually inflicted upon us by someone. If this energy is from a living being, it's almost always subconscious. If it's from an entity, you will notice becoming sick mentally, physically or emotionally. When sickness is in the Spirit or body, it interferes with our ability to manifest. Keep that in mind.

There are 6 Categories of imbalances:

1). Mold and Pathogens

2). Infestations

3). viruses

4). fungus

5). bacteria

6). parasites

Curses have been performed over people for centuries, sometimes right in their MF faces. Like I mentioned before, there are those that practice dark arts, solely to prey upon others. The majority of the people we know are unaware of the practices of dark arts. One thing to be aware of is,when dealing with certain people is this: "if they are speaking negative TO you, they will speak negative ABOUT you. The negative talk is clue number one! Allowing someone to speak negativity to you, depending on the words spoken, this can also be a form of someone speaking curses over you. Nah, don't allow that shit! Sometimes people you meet are under spells themselves and are unaware. But make now mistake about it, these people are known to be VERY toxic. A person can be attached to someone under a spell or curse, and not even know it! If you're unsure about a MF, ask yourself, "is this person worthy of being within my energy?"

Has everything suddenly started going wrong in your life? All at once? Have you suddenly felt down in spirit? Have you felt frustrated and trapped out of the nowhere? If so, you could be under a spell or curse. Try to always be AWARE of who it is, you allow into your personal space Baby Luv.

Signs You May Be Under An Energetic Attack:

1). You can't sleep. You're restless, agitated...tossing and turning.

2). You have a sense of doom. You feel like something bad is gonna happen to you. You have thoughts about killing yourself.

3). Having shit happen TO you, not AROUND accidents, situations that takes your money, etc. You are agitated, misinterpreting shit people say to you. Loss of job, loss of income, loss of friends.

4). You feel isolated. People are moving away from you, people start to "ghost' you, no one wants to be around you, you lose friends.

5). You can't control your emotions, you find yourself angry and frustrated at everything.

6). Sickness, aches, and pains for not reason. Even the doctors can't find anything wrong.

7). You feel tired all the time, for no reason.

8). You have continuous bad luck. You just can't catch a break, you are losing teeth, breaking bones.

8). You start to see and hear frightening things, WITHOUT a history of mental illness, you have repeated frightening dreams, shadows follow you, you start to feel unsafe in your own home, you hear things, you see things out of the corner of your eye.

9). Every candle you light, starts to burn black.

10) Your skin and mouth start to become dry. This particular sign is very important! Having dry skin and mouth, means there could be an entity draining you! Be very careful with this sign...this means that whatever entity is draining you, is VERY powerful! Be extra careful!

11). You smell an odor or something smells bad all the time. There are particular spells that will cause an odor to cover you. The odor would cause a smell of dirt, feces or piss. Cleansing is very important!

12). Babies are afraid of you. Babies will start to cry around you and won't want to be near you...

Check back for Part II next week. More ways to tell, if someone is using witchcraft on you, and What to do about it!

Hold tight Baby Luv you got this shit! :)

Love and Light!




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