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More Ways To Tell If Someone has placed a curse upon you and what to do about it. Part II

I would highly recommend reading part one of this article, "How To Know If Someone is Doing Witchcraft On You" before starting this article. However, you're grown and bound to do what TF you wanna do. With that being said...let’s get into some gangsta shit, shall we?! ;)

If you suspect someone has sent spell work your way, tell-tale signs will be hella visible, that point to a curse being placed upon you. You may know the person that cursed you or you may not. Looking back to when things started falling apart in your life, may help to pinpoint who the MF may have been. This isn't a 'surefire' way of knowing, but it may give you a clue.

It helps to understand that some, who cross our paths are already under a spell, and are totally unaware of this. These tend to be VERY TOXIC individuals, this may include family members as well. It's often difficult to see the toxicity in those we love. There's an old adage that says: "loving eyes, cannot see". This usually turns out to be the case when it comes to our loved ones. Some of the very people that are close to you, desire to keep you on a low vibrational level...just like them.

To make things clear, having bad things happen in your life, does not automatically mean you're under a curse. Some times, shit just happens in life. And sometimes that shit may look like karma. But make no mistake about it...Karma is a different type of Hell all together! Evey debt owed to Karma, will be repaid. NO DEBT TO THE UNIVERSE GOES UNPAID!

More Signs that a curse has been placed upon you:

1). Feeling trapped.

2). Finding objects left by someone visiting your home. Some people will purposely leave objects in your home to keep themselves in your life. The objective is to get you to think about them and invite them back. Ask yourself WHY? Objects left in your home can be used to connect with another object, in order to send spell work your way. This is why you may find rocks, sticks and other odd shit in your home.

3). Someone gives you a gift or food. Afterwards, you start to notice strange things happening to you, or bad luck starts to follow you.

4). Can’t sleep at night and your thoughts are on a particular person (this could also be Twin Flame Karma as well).

5). You have low self-esteem (witchcraft isn’t always the case, go within to find out where the thought pattern of thinking "lowly" of yourself originated from).

6). People that come into your life and speak negative things to you, is essentially speaking curses into your life. If a MF tells you, "you’re ain't shit and will never be shit!", they are speaking a curse over you. Don't allow that shit! Cut that MF off!

7). You are not feeling like “yourself”, things you use to enjoy are now unenjoyable. It's not about being tired or exhausted, you just don’t enjoy your old hobbies anymore.

8). Natural hobbies all of a sudden become a burden. The reason being is because the person sending spell work your way, doesn’t want you happy. They want you to struggle, be mad and upset. As a result, the main thing that makes you happy will be looked at as a waste of time.

9). Jealousy

Looks: your looks will start to be ‘different’. You may start to gain weight, develop acne, clothes don’t fit the same, hair starts to fall out, or just not look right. Your looks start to change. You look in the mirror and you don’t look the same to yourself. It usually starts around the eyes. You will start to notice you don’t look like “yourself”. When a spell is sent, there's a different energy around you. You won't be able to recognize yourself in the mirror.

10). Your money is affected. This spell is sent your way to ruin your incoming funds, your name, that house you just posted about on Facebook. They want you in the same tiny, little house as them MFs crawl into.

11). You feel heavier. You feel as if you're carrying a small child wherever you go. Everything is a drag. It's now hard to get up in the AM. It feels like a struggle to move. You drag your feet on everything. Everything feels like a task. You feel a lot of DEAD energy.

Spell Detection 1). Pour water in a clear glass. 2). Add a peeled garlic clove 3). Add salt 4). Put it on the nightstand, leave it overnight. 5). If the water is cloudy or black the next day, it means that someone has sent spell work your way. What To Do If A Spell Has Been Cast Upon You 1). Go to a Spiritual Advisor if needed to confirm. 2). Get a Protection Candle. 3). Create a seal of protection around you.

Love and Light,




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