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The Deadly Dude with Sanpaku eyes.

Maaaan listen! The things I've seen and the people I've encountered in this lifetime, in this realm...would make a grown man question reality. Or his momma. Whichever fits..shiiidd. Ion know.

As a precursor, everything I'm about to tell you is true. Whether you believe it or not, this shit is true AF. All of it. Names and places have been changed to protect the guilty (no typo).

Names have been removed because FR, it's a small world. And I don't believe in "blowing up the spot". So let me tell this story...

Friday afternoon, I get a call from my dude Gee Money. "Waaasssuuupp!" Gee yellin into the phone. "My Muthafuckin nigga!" I yell back. Gee instantly starts talking, "what you got goin on tonight?, I'm feeling like I wanna step out tonight, you down?" I scream into the phone, "heeeeelll MF yea! You already know, my dude!"

Walking to my car, after just leaving the job, I was geeked! Gee is one of my closest male friends. We been rocking since 2018 and we've never fucked. I believe that's one of the reasons why we're so close til this day...because I never gave that nigga no pussy! LOL! But we're close. Close AF. So close, that we've had long, deep conversations in the wee hours of the morning. Gee has spent nights with me, in my bed, and we've just slept. We haven't crossed that line because we value our friendship, but mostly because we carry a genuine love and respect for each other.

Back to the story...

Later that night, Gee pulls up, I hop in and we OUTSIDE babee! When me and that nigga get together, our energy is fucking bananas! We hype each other up! We be at concerts, restaurants, cook outs, parties, the club, everywhere MF where together! We talk in code, be high AF and laughing like a MF! Me and Gee just vibe in a special way. Period.

Back to the story...On our way to the club, we stop to get our drank and roll up the weed. We smoking, got the music blasting and not a MF care in the world! We work hard, and we play hard AF too!

So we up in the MF spot! Soon as we hit the door, heads turn. Mostly because of my attire...some cute, freaky, club wear shit. LOL! The club is the only place I can wear this shit without being judged...or followed (check out the photo gallery). Don't judge me. Haha!

Back to the story...Once inside, we hit the bar got our drinks, took a stance near the door, and peeped the room. Niggas looking, bitches looking, they wanna say something to us but they think we're a couple. We get that shit all the time. We give each other the "look", then we split in different directions. When we're together, MFs hesitate on approaching us. So we split up, so Gee could get on some females and I can allow men to approach me. Aye! We play the game how it go!

I do a quick sweep around the club, to get up close and personal on shit. And the MF was lit! I post up in a lil corner spot, sipping on my drink and taking in the crowd, while simultaneously grinding my lil booty to the beat. Immediately, I notice a dude staring intense AF as he walks by me.

Damn! That lil young MF fine! There was something about the lil nigga too though. He was stoned faced but flashed a smile at me that made my heart leap! And dude had the most beautiful, perfect white teeth I'd ever seen! But it wasn't just his pearly whites that captivated was the WAY he smiled that touched my soul! I could tell his smile didn't come easy, but when he did smile, he meant that shit! If only breifly. Becausw as quick as his smile appeared, that MF immediately disappeared.

But I was already hooked...I wanted more.

He made his way around the club again and this time he stopped right in front of me. I tilted my head and looked up at him and smiled. Immediately he smiled back. I was surprised. Because the person that stood before me was a stone faced killer. No one in my circle knows that I have the "gift" of "knowing" and "seeing".

So I'm standing there, taking in his image. And DAMN! "He's definitely fine" AF, I thought to myself. My thoughts were like rapid fire! By the information and images that flooded my mind's eye..I knew instantly, that this young dude had done some foul shit in his life. And that made me sad.

But that smile though. It drew me made me want to see it more. There was something deep behind it. I NEEDED to know "what that mouth did!" I've never wanted head more bad in my life! And I wanted it from him!

After I mentally got my shit together, I was finally able to speak, "what up" I said, sounding all cute and shit. He stared at me, licked his lips and said...I know you seen me looking at you". I smirked and said, "yea, I did", taking a quick sip of my drink so I could check him out a little more.

And DAMN!! The lil nigga was fly AF too!! Ouuuu! I liked that shit! "How old are you?", I ask the lil nigga. "Twenty four" he mumbled, while looking at me from head to toe.

At this point, I already know what it is and in my mind, I'm thinking, "Ima get some head and get gone!"

Dude says, "can I have your number?" "Sure!" I said smiling a lil too much, because I'm a lil tipsy now. He turns around, faces the crowd, then hands me his phone while holding it behind his back. I laugh out loud, cause I already knew what it was. Dude got a girl. And she's either there at the club or one of her friends are. And I could care less. Because once I get the top...I'm out!

I laughed again at his lil slick ass. I entered my number and put his phone back in his hand. I wanted to test the waters with dude. So as I put his phone in his hand, I leaned in close to his ear. Close enough for him to feel my breath on the back of his neck (I had on heels). I then whispered in his ear, " smell good", real sexy like and shit. His entire body stiffened as he turned to look me directly in my face.

I smiled, winked, laughed and walked off, thinking to myself, "some niggas know they ain't shit". I stopped at the bar, met another dude, chatted it up with him, gave him my number, and made another trip around the club.

Before I could get to the other side of the room, I got a text notification. Noramlly, I don't respond to texts when i'm out, but this time, I felt like I needed to check my phone. It was dude. "U sexy af" was all the text said.

I looked up from my phone and instinctively looked across the room. Dude was staring directly at me.

And that's when I saw them! Now I understand why I was "nudged" to look across the room at the momet I did! HIS EYES. OMG! His eyes! He had Sanpaku eyes!

And my heart dropped.

After the shock wore off, I thought to my self, "my intuition was right, I knew that nigga was a killer!" My intuition is part of my "gift", and it has never let me down! And I mean NEVER!

When he approached me, I "read his energy". It's something I do when meetig new people, in order to know what kind of energies I may be up against. And my intition told me this nigga was a stone cold killer. A hitman to be exact.

"Damn", I started thinking, "he so MF fine though!" But his eyes. That sealed the deal for me!

With those Sanpaku eyes, it would be best if I had NO dealings with him. Whatsoever. Not even for a quick "lick down". Damn. That shit was dead in the water afer seeing his eyes.

The love I have for myself, and the value I placed on my life, told me could not have ANY DEALINGS with Dude. As handsome as he was, I KNEW I couldn't fuck wit him. Not if I valued my life.

History shows that sanpaku e yes portray a tragic tale of the way a persons life will end. And history shows sanpaku eyes don't lie.

I've been given wisdom beyond my years, and this I know: they way a MF live their life on this earth, is the same way it will end on this earth. Simply put, if you live in violence, you will die in violence. And accodring to his eyes, he will either die of a bad illness or die of a violent act committed against him.

I wound up leaving the club early because I got drunk and was puking everywhere, LOL!

But I wasn't so fucked up that I forgot the dude with them Yin Sanpaku eyes! The next day Dude hit my line and asked if I would visit him. His eyes immediately popped into my minds eye!

I asked him for 1k and I haven't heard from him since. Shiiddd! I dodged a bullet! And probably a literal one at that! LOL!!

The vision I had concerning him, coupled with those Sanpaku eyes, I knew I couldn't take ANY chances on being around him, with him or near him.

Because when death does come for that's not gonna be pretty. And anyone within proximity of him, will suffer as well. The vision I had of him, and the download I got about him... showed me everything I needed to know. And see.

Dude did so much wicked shit in these streets, that when them people come...they're gonna level blocks and lay bodies, just to get to him.

If you take nothing else from this story, please learn to listen to your internal messages AND FOLLOW YOUR INTUITION.

SIDE NOTE: Not all with "Yin Sanpaku eyes" will meet a violently tragic end. Most have, but not all.

As your own research. :)

Love and Light


Love and Light,




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