First and foremost, before we even get started...just know that an Alchemist is a baaaadddd MF! In a good way tho!
Spiritual Alchemy is the act of inner transformation. It is healing and freeing the inner parts of ourselves that need to be changed. By transforming these parts of us, it leads to inner liberation, the freedom from our fears, beliefs that no longer serve us, soul loss, and other self-destructive disorders.
Becoming and alchemist is as simple as pie. Most of us have been alchemist our entire lives and never known it! We've been taking in and transmuting energy as far as we can remember...we just never knew there was a name for the shit!. But now that we know...there is nothing that is off limit to us! But the flip side of that is this: you will also phase MFs out of your life that isn't suppose to be there! Believe that!
As you continue to evolve and grow spiritually, those that are no longer on your spiritual "wavelength" will no longer resonate with you. On any level. Even if it is just a lil "smoke buddy", pretty soon, any energy that enters your aura, that isn't vibrating on your frequency, will simply just fall away. You will no longer interested in the energy exchange. The low vibing person, will cypher all the energy of the high vibing individual. The naturally high vibing person will start to feel drained and tired frequently.
Spiritual alchemy is an occult practice that seeks to free the soul from its attachment to matter. It is used to attain contentment, harmony and awareness by freeing your beliefs, concepts, opinions,wounds, ears, and phobias. This is a process that has been known to bring about self actualization and spiritual rebirth.

Seven stages of spiritual alchemy and what it entails.
1). Stage One: Calcination: This is known as the black stage. The color black represents chaos, that which is hidden and buried, the material and the unconscious. There is an idea in occult ciences that all matter in the universe emerged from an orginal primitive base, this is known as the Materia Prima.
Marteria prima refers to the buring of matter of an orginal, primitive base, until it is transformed into ash. Spiritually, it means giving up all the low vibing shit that 's keeping you in that low vibing state. This normally includes the pursuit of the desire for status, wealth, and the need to solidify our identity. The desire for threse things aren't wrong...but the sole pursuit of these things are knwon to hinder the development of a higher level of consciousness. The training of Spirit is harder, when there are so many wordly attachments, especially to things that no longer serve us. Our preconceived notions about our identity and our beliefs are put to the test in the calcination stage. Our ideologies and neuroses begin to lessen their grip on the persona, enabling one’s true spirit to awaken. The calcination stage has been likened to the Dark Night of The Soul. This sixteenth-century poem describes the journey of the soul to unification with God, whereby our former worldview is dismantled, and we undergo a kind of existential crisis. The beginnings of spiritual development are typically arduous since our former ties of identification are no longer valid, and we come face to face with the void.
2). Stage Two: Dissolution: The second state of spititual alcemy involves dissolving the ashes in water. Wate could be interpreted as a sybmol for the unsonscious parts of ourselves. Those parts of ourselve we've been too afraid to explore. This is the stage that transforms and gets rid of all the fake shit. In this stage we free ourselves from our inauthentic and aquired sense of identity. This stage can also be looked at as dissolution of the ego. Water is baisis of this stage and water is associated with intense emotions we contain within. This stage involves the outlet of repressed emotions from traumatic events that we have pushed down in our minds. This stage also frees you from past painful eperiences..
3). Stage Three: Separation: This stage is related to the air element. In a spiritual sense, it can be understood as separation from one’s habitual thought processes or emotional trigger responses in order to step back and learn our essence from our acquired personality. Separation is a very liberating stage where we can free ourselves of resentment towards ourselves and others. It is a kind of ffreedom of liberation from negative emotions. We become aware of our true feelings when we do this. We separate ourselves from our inauthentic/fake selves and step closer to our essential or higher self. The separation happens when we no longer identify with the character we have been playing. We become the awareness itself. Awareness of our own thoughts, feelings, and desires, but without identifying with them or becoming attached to them. The separation stage is a kind of detachment from our old skin. After the emptiness and suffering in the first stage of calcination, and then the fearful stage of dissolution where hidden emotions emerge, the separation stage comes as a welcome relief as we experience the stillness of being separated from our inferior and inauthentic qualities.
4). Stage Four: Conjunction: Conjunction is the process of combining the elements from the previous three stages. In a way, we see what still remains within us, what is of value, and then begin to combine these elements to form one’s authentic self. After the first three stages of purification by fire, water, and air, our disparate elements are brought together under the earth element. We begin a process of embodiment as the spirit begins its process of materialization.
We begin to feel as one in body and soul, but we are still drawing together the different strands of our true self, and we are not yet finished. Polarities cease their conflict and come together, such as male and female, body and soul, spirit and matter. Harmony is achieved between the different elements of our being. The attributes typically associated with the feminine, such as intuition and emotion, blend with those attributes conventionally associated with the masculine, such as intellect and logic.
5). Stage Five: Putrefaction/Fermentation: Putrefaction, or fermentation, is the fifth stage and describes the death of one’s old self and the rebirth of one’s true self. The first four stages involved discarding our old, inauthentic self and drawing together the authentic elements within us. At this stage, however, we catch a glimpse of a more refined, authentic self. This stage can be likened to the rebirth of the phoenix from its own ashes.
The process can be split into two: putrefaction and spiritualization. Putrefaction is the rotting away of our former selves as the superfluous is let go. Putrefaction can be a difficult stage and can involve strong feelings of depression or despair since we fear losing our identity, which is associated with our old self.
Spiritualization, meanwhile, gives great relief as we begin to see the world in a beautiful, new and bright way. It involves letting go of those parts of ourselves that no longer serve us in our present life. As a result, this step can be accompanied by blissful feelings of inner peace and contentment.
Stage Six: Distillation: The distillation stage is the stage when all of the shit and impurities are removed, and there is nothing left but the essence. In Chemistry, distillation involves boiling and condensation to separate components and is commonly used in desalination. A liquid is boiled until it evaporates, and as the steam condenses, the essence is liberated from the matter. It marks the point at which our essence becomes spiritualized. In others words, in spiritual alchemy, distillation is a metaphor for the actualization of one’s spirit. I told you this shit ran deep! ;)
In Jungian terminology, this stage also involves the assimilation of any shadow aspects into our true self. It is the distillation of one’s true self and represents a step up in consciousness as our core identity is freed from any inferior elements, low vibing enerygy and all the bullshit! At this stage, the ego has ceased dominating behavior as we begin to hear the voice of our soul. It also marks the point at which the conscious and unconscious aspects of the self are brought into harmony.
Stage Seven: Coagulation:The final stage is coagulation, which describes the process of solidification where one’s essential self becomes whole. Coagulation refers to the process by which a liquid, typically blood, solidifies. It occurs when we are cut in order to form a scab. In spiritual alchemy, coagulation involves the solidification of our true self and can be likened to healing from a wound as we feel ourselves to be independent and complete.
Coagulation involves the complete unification of polarities: spirit and matter, body and soul, masculine and feminine, to form a single whole. In this final stage, one’s higher self emerges, and it can be likened to the point when the gold cools and solidifies. did that shit!
Love and Light!