There will come a time in your life, where you will have to chose between being the "character others want and need you to be or choosing to be your AUTHENTIC SELF.
If you had a childhood where your listened to your needs, validated you and allowed you to "talk yo shit" and express your emotions openly and freely. Then your parents nurtured and encouraged the real YOU to blossom and lay MF roots!
But on the other hand, if you' like other people and were limited in that area, then being yourself is an ability that you're probably not even aware of because it's been buried under layers and years of bullshit! Buried under layers of conditioning and belies about yourself that are not true anymore. Unbeknownst to you, these emotions and were once important for you to survive. But once again, like most, we are triggered by certain beliefs about yourself. Beliefs like, "I'm not enough", "I can't do this without being judged" and "I need to please people to be liked".
We don't dance by the sound of another's beat. In living this life, you get the opportunity to dance to the drum of your own rhythm! No matter how loud, different or obnoxious it sounds to others. Who gives a hot fuck FR anyway?! Being your authentic self comes from your heart, soul and your essence! Fore the ones that don't like it...fuck em and feed em beans!
Being who you really are is being the authentic YOU. Being authentic shows what's important to you. How you feel about yourself when you're alone, is your true self. It helps to embrace how you truly feel about yourself, so that you can heal your wounds, to having to play characters in life you were never to align with. Let that shit go and be YOU! So that you may be free to be who you came here to be.
Be who you really are, no mater what, no matter where, and no matter who! Being your authentic self will bring about a meaningful and fulfilling existence for yourself and will inspire others to do the same.
Remember, being your authentic self will cause you to "hit different" eve. You just won't fit into the mold of others. And that's ok. ;)
Love and Light